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May 26, 2020

Listen to Keryn Seal a Former Paralympic Athlete & England's Blind Football Team Captain. This is a MUST listen if you want to learn how to transition your skill sets from sports into the business world, and ENJOY!

May 19, 2020

Listen to Tim Oberg the Strategic Director of Asia Pacific at Park. This is a MUST listen if you are committed to pursue a career in the sports industry, and ENJOY

May 12, 2020

This week's podcast it’s my pleasure to introduce, Mike Laflin the Founder & CEO at Global Strategies. Where he specializes in technology strategies and data analytics. This is a must-listen if you want to pursue a career in sports business, and ENJOY!!

May 5, 2020

This week’s interview is a bit different from Ed Bowers sharing his learning lesson with regards to his philosophy of ‘pivoting’ with regards to his career journey in the sports industry. This is a must-listen if you are in the process of doing a career change in the sports industry. Have listen and enjoy!